A Platform for Green Behavior Sharing
The significant increase in the scale of global carbon footprints and the severity of digital pollution under the context of increasingly expanding digital activities and more updated functions and interactions on social media.
The greenhouse gases (GHGs) we emit directly from our homes account for around 20% of the global total.
Are there any individual and collective actions that can be taken to reduce and offset the emissions from the internet?
“EcoSquare” revolves around a complete UI design for a green app aiming to build a green community by encouraging youngsters to engage in more green behaviors, such as diet, travel, and household energy use.
Helping raise awareness around a culture of sustainability and creating a culture of sustainability and minimal waste.
Make sustainability
enjoyable and social
Encourage people to
share their individually sustainable moments
Build a platform for
sharing eco-friendly resources
and expanding a green community
Adopt a Green Topic
Post Green Moments
Share Green Tips
Ask Green Questions
Understanding Users Mindset
Hot Products
User Survey
Competitive Apps
User Flow
Sketch and Digital Prototype
How do I incorporate
sustainability in the office?
What benefit can I get
from this app?
I don’t like recording every
sustainable action I make.
Am I being
How can we increase the user's cohesion, initiative and aid in engaging the community towards sustainability?
Can we build a green community with this app?
I need the motivation
to open this app.
· Wants to have one space that tracks all his effort for sustainability.
· Only good at a few aspects of green behavior and want to complement the strengths of others.
Rob/ 26/ Software Engineer
· Wants some “human” green tips, not the tips from Google’s “10 green tips you need to know”
· Feels nowhere to ask a specific sustainable question.
Heather/ 20/ College Junior
Target Group:
GenZ Population - The Do-Gooders
GenZ is a group of new generations with strong eco-friendly conscience and social responsibility.
This demographic group likes to stand for something else besides profits.
68% say they are very conscious about their role in the world and do their part to make it a better place for future generations.
e + s +
Design System:
#2206f1 #d8ff02 #c36365
Color Palate
Graphics and Styles
Splash Screen:
Adopt a Green Behavior:
Home Page:
User flow:
Infographic Sitemap:
I performed the test with 8 people and gave them a series of tests to perform.
Users I performed usability testing are in their mid-20s and are sustainable enthusiasts who have adopted many small and big eco-friendly ways in their lifestyle.
The task given to them were:
· You are running out of Kitchen towels and want to purchase an eco-friendly one
· You want to know how to save household electricity
· Adopt a green behavior
· Post a question about sustainability in the square
· Users found the app idea interesting and needful
· They were able to perform the tasks intuitively and with ease
· The app branding and color scheme were in sync with the app idea and drove sustainability into a young and lively version
· Users found the graphic design attractive and gave a gist of the app idea
· Need a more clear guide on sign up page on how to join a community
· The picture on the home page is hard to drive users into a green behavior-sharing platform
· The slogan on the first page is too hidden to read
· Highlight at the bottom is better to only focus on one, not both Tab bar and “Add posts”